Dr.  Wade Newman

Dr. Wade Newman DDS


Practice Name

Bellefonte Family Dentistry

Credentials of Dr. Wade Newman DDS

Education and Training

B.S. degree from Penn State
Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from West Virginia University

Professional Memberships

Pennsylvania Dental Association


Cosmetic Dentistry
General Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Sedation Dentistry

Professional Statement

Dr. Wade Newman is dedicated to providing clinical excellence in a gentle and caring family friendly atmosphere with a personalized touch. He holds a B.S. degree from Penn State and a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from West Virginia University. He was inducted as a Fellow into the International College of Dentist and serves the Pennsylvania Dental Association as it's soon to be President. Dr. Newman is a recognized leader within the dental community. He is also currently serving our country by being in the Air National Guard where he is currently a Lt. Colonel assigned as the Chief of Dental Services and Chairman of the Infection Control Committee of the 193rd Medical Group. He has been honored with numerous professional awards from organizations including the American Society of Dentistry for Children, the Organization of Teachers of Oral Diagnosis and the National Dental Honor Society. A highlight of his professional experience was providing dental care to remote village communities in Guatemala.

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Dr. Wade Newman DDS

115 S. School Street

Bellefonte, PA


(814) 355-1587

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